October Newsletter 296
Kellogg’s partners with RNIB and Co-op to launch a trial of cereal boxes featuring UK-first technology for blind and partially sighted people
To mark World Sight Day, Kellogg’s is today launching Coco Pops boxes for blind and partially sighted people as a trial in almost 60 Co-op stores across the UK – including stores in Withington, Bolton and Altrincham. The new boxes have been created in partnership with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and feature UK-first technology that allows a smartphone to detect a unique on-pack code and playback labelling and allergen information to the user.
Judy Dench discusses her battle with macular degeneration
Dame Judi Dench is an acclaimed actress who has worked in the entertainment industry for decades and has earned herself countless accolades. Away from the spotlight, the 85-year-old James Bond actress has opened up about living with her failing eyesight.
Blindness in the elderly: finally a treatment in the near future?
The macula accounts for sharp vision and reading but it is affected in many elderly. Age related macular degeneration is the most important cause of blindness in persons over 65 years of age, and almost 30% of people over 75 years is affected. Unfortunately, no treatment has been proven effective for this blinding condition. Research at Ghent University is going on now for a treatment with eyedrops tackling the root of this blinding disease.
Blind woman shows how she does everyday tasks
Lucy Edwards uses TikToc to show how she completes daily tasks such as showering and applying makeup.
RNIB launches pregnancy test for women with sight loss
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has made a pregnancy test prototype which would allow women with sight loss to know their result privately.
8 Misconceptions about sight loss:
50,000 young children each year are at risk of poor vision or even sight loss because of a failure to provide vision screenings in their schools
A ‘scandalous’ failure by local authorities to provide eye tests in schools is putting 50,000 young children at risk of poor vision or even sight loss, a charity has warned. Lazy eye — or ‘amblyopia’, as it is formerly known — is the most common juvenile vision issue in the UK, affecting around 2–3 per cent of all children. If not addressed early enough, the condition — which occurs when the eye does not develop a strong enough link to the brain — can cause permanent damage to vision.
RNIB launch emergency mental health sessions after a difficult year
2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, and that is bound to have an impact on people’s mental health. Many blind and partially sighted people have faced anxiety, sadness and even fear about the unique challenges they have experienced – such as problems social distancing, difficulty shopping without guidance and isolation from losing tactile contact with friends and family during lockdown. That is why the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has worked with Mind to launch Emergency Mental Health Sessions for local blind and partially sighted people to mark World Mental Health Day. The sessions are completely free and offer people with sight loss the opportunity to speak to a counsellor for an hour over the phone about however they are feeling and any problems that are on their mind. It doesn’t have to be about their sight at all.