June newsletter – 268
Goggles that use magnifiers and augmented reality give back sight
Someone who lost their vision due to a brain tumour six years ago was able to read again using these new goggles.
Video here: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07cjq2t
Canada - ‘intervener’ services
“Interveners can help individuals with deaf-blindness build life skills, gain independence and more”. www.yorkregion.com/opinion-story/9420813-endless-possibilities-with-intervener-services
Father who lost his sight at 27 now devotes his time to helping others
Story of Richard, who lost his sight after complication due to Type 1 diabetes and now helps others via a Berkshire based charity.
USA - Different ways to show paintings and photographs to blind people
“As people at the American Alliance of Museums’ trade show passed their hands along the raised figures in touchable versions of a Vietnam War photograph, small metal sensors touched off recordings to explain whose picture they were touching and what had happened to him. At a nearby booth was a flat reproduction of a Van Gogh self-portrait with slightly raised, slicker areas to show both outlines and how brush strokes swept or swirled within those outlines.
Museums nationwide are working to make their collections more accessible for people with disabilities, said Elizabeth Merritt, vice president for strategic foresight for the alliance, which represents museums of all sorts, from tiny local history museums to huge zoos. Hours when lights and noise levels are kept low for people on the autism spectrum are another example of inclusiveness, she said, as are websites and smartphone apps designed to work with screen readers for the blind”.