December Newsletter 299

New GENE therapy for eye disease

Scientists from Trinity College, Dublin have developed a new gene therapy approach that offers promise for one day treating an eye disease that leads to a progressive loss of vision and affects thousands of people across the globe. The study, which involved a collaboration with clinical teams in the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital and the Mater Hospital, also has implications for a much wider suite of neurological disorders associated with ageing. and also

9 ways to protect your eyesight

The top 9 eye protection techniques that will help to maintain an excellent vision for many years.

Guide dog helps woman who survived a medical emergency that took her vision

After surviving a massive brain aneurism, two nearly-fatal strokes, a medically-induced coma, mobility loss, and vision loss, McKenzie Hanlon is ready to take on the world with her guide dog CJ.

Full story:

RNIB Giant Print library closure

From February 2021, the Giant Print lending library facility will be closing to be replaced with new systems that offer readers a better service. David Clarke, RNIB’s director of services explains the decisions behind the change: “This move represents a significant upgrade for our library readers. At present the Giant Print Library stocks only 3,000 children’s books and only offers them in 24pt text.

“From 1 February 2021, the Giant Print Library will be replaced. Our customer feedback suggests that the majority of readers will favour the convenience of eBooks, supplied through our Bookshare platform, giving our young readers instant access to over 20,000 children’s titles. However, we are aware that some readers will prefer, or require, a paper book. From February, our free Personal Transcription Service will incorporate Print On Demand books from the Bookshare collection.”

For those readers choosing to switch to eBooks, we recognise that not every family has access to a tablet or a Kindle, so we can offer technology grants and supplies. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this transition, please contact our Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email [email protected] .